Field Safety Notice FSN: Automatic program/profile modes can cause “unwanted acceleration”
DOWNLOAD the full PDF Dear customers, distributors, field service engineers and...
DOWNLOAD the full PDF Dear customers, distributors, field service engineers and...
This applies to all h/p/cosmos treadmill families: treadmill h/p/cosmos 150/50 G6 (pluto®, mercury®) treadmill h/p/cosmos 150/50 (locomotion®) treadmill h/p/cosmos 170-190...
The motor brake is an ergonomic support for applications in which the test person can take a break on an inclined...
Dear customers, In order to comply with all regulatory requirements and MDR medical device regulation (EU) 2017/745, h/p/cosmos performs regular PMS Post Market Surveillance,...
Warning! Improper cable wiring may lead to damage of the cable isolation and can lead to...
A medical treadmill, which is used for physiotherapy, cardiopulmonary rehabilitation, ergometry, cardiopulmonary stress test and diagostics as well as for performance diagnostics is...
Interface control of treadmills. Risks with non-compliance of safety features DOWNLOAD the full PDF...
当发生危险的高残留电流时,剩余电流动作断路器(RCCB)会关闭电源。这样,可以保护人员,动物和设施。 很多建筑物中安装的各种电气装置使用的是标准的A型RCD / RCCB。 由于当今许多建筑物还配置有变频器(例如,在跑台测功仪,电梯,热泵,...
在旧版的coscom v1和coscom v2接口协议中,负速度命令(例如-0.5 km / h)会导致不必要的加速。 使用coscom v1或coscom v2时,请勿通过RS232接口发送负速度命令。请 尽快升级到coscom v3或coscom v4! 在跑台固件更新期间,将从MicroControllerUnits...
Trotz vieler tausend Stunden Tests und trotz mehrmonatiger Testphase im Werk und auch bei ausgesuchten...
Addressee: Users and operators of h/p/cosmos safety harnesses, used as fall prevention in combination with the...
this letter is a safety warning concerning the chest belt of the h/p/cosmos safety arch. If mistakes occur through neglecting the use instructions of...
Addressee: Users and operators of h/p/cosmos treadmills built in 2014/2015 Identification of concerned medical devices and equipment: All h/p/...